Postdoctoral fellowship in twisted bilayer graphene

The Topo2D group is offering a post-doctoral position of two years, renewable, in a stimulating, state-of-the-art environment. We are seeking for a dynamic experimentalist with a solid research background in quantum physics. A PhD or previous post-doctoral experience in the field of mesoscopic physics would be an asset.

The project aims to engineer new quantum systems from twisted 2D materials.

The research work will be conducted at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the Paris-Saclay University. The postdoctoral fellow will have at their disposal state-of-the-art clean room facilities at C2N. 

The starting date can be as soon as April 2023.  The net salary is between 2.5 k€/month and 3.3 k€/month depending on research experience.

Inquiries and applications (including a CV) should be sent to Rebeca Ribeiro (

Student positions

The group Phynano is always seeking for highly motivated undergraduates and graduate students (master and PhD level). Candidates are invited to look in the different research project of the group and contact the principal investigators (please attach a short CV including the names and e-mail addresses of two references). 

Open positions:

Permanent CNRS research positions

The CNRS opens permanent researcher positions in Phynano's field of interest (CNRS section 03, "Condensed matter physics: structures and electronic properties") at the end of each year. You can find all the information here. Although not officially required, the candidates are strongly advised to contact the group leader before applying.