Observation of the scaling dimension of fractional quantum Hall anyons
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Signature of anyonic statistics in the integer quantum Hall regime
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Gate tunable edge magnetoplasmon resonators
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First demonstration of 30 eVee ionization energy resolution with Ricochet germanium cryogenic bolometers
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Tagging and localisation of ionizing events using NbSi transition edge phonon sensors for Dark Matter searches.
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Results from a Prototype TES Detector for the Ricochet Experiment.
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Nanomechanical vibrational response from electrical mixing measurements.
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Observation of edge magnetoplasmon squeezing in a quantum Hall conductor
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Cross-Correlation Investigation of Anyon Statistics in the ν=1/3 and 2/5 Fractional Quantum Hall States
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Comparing Fractional Quantum Hall Laughlin and Jain Topological Orders with the Anyon Collider
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Quasiparticle Andreev scattering in the ν=1/3 fractional quantum Hall regime
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First demonstration of 30 eVee ionization energy resolution with Ricochet germanium cryogenic bolometers
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Nonlinear nanomechanical resonators approaching the quantum ground state.
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First germanium-based constraints on sub-MeV Dark Matter with the EDELWEISS experiment
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Fractional statistics in anyon collisions
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Low-Noise HEMTs for Coherent Elastic Neutrino Scattering and Low-Mass Dark Matter Cryogenic Semiconductor Detectors
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Cooling and self-oscillation in a nanotube electromechanical resonator
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Recent progress in the Development of French THz Schottky Diodes for Astrophysics, Planetology and Atmospheric StudyL. Gatilova, et al.,
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Compact and sensitive heterodyne receiver at 2.7 THz exploiting a quasi-optical HEB-QCL coupling scheme
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Quantum tomography of electrical currents
R. Bisognin, A. Marguerite, B. Roussel, M. Kumar, C. Cabart, C. Chapdelaine, A. Mohammad-Djafari, J.-M. Berroir, E. Bocquillon, B. Plaçais, A. Cavanna, U. Gennser, Y. Jin, P. Degiovanni & G. Fève
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A HEMT-based cryogenic charge amplifier with sub-100 eVee ionization resolution for massive semiconductor dark matter detectors
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Microwave photons emitted by fractionally charged quasiparticles
R. Bisognin, H. Bartolomei, M. Kumar, I. Safi, J.-M. Berroir, E. Bocquillon, B. Plaçais, A. Cavanna, U. Gennser, Y. Jin & G. Fève
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Shot noise measurement for tunnel junctions using a homemade cryogenic amplifier at dilution refrigerator temperatures
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Charge trapping and super-Poissonian noise centres in a cuprate superconductor
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Amplifier for scanning tunneling microscopy at MHz frequencies
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Atomic scale shot-noise using cryogenic MHz circuitry
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Improving the read-out of the resonance frequency of nanotube mechanical resonators
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Ultrasensitive displacement noise measurement of carbon nanotube mechanical resonators
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Heat Coulomb blockade of one ballistic channel
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Development of 100Mo-containing scintillating bolometers for a high-sensitivity neutrinoless double-beta decay search
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Two-particle interferometry in quantum Hall edge channels
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Primary thermometry triad at 6 mK in mesoscopic circuits
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Signals induced by charge-trapping in EDELWEISS FID detectors: analytical modeling and applications
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Toward large µ-calorimeters x-ray matrices based on metal-insulator sensors and HEMTs/SiGe cryo-electronics
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Ultra-low noise CryoHEMTs for cryogenic high-impedance readout electronics: Results and applications
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Improved EDELWEISS-III sensitivity for low-mass WIMPs using a profile likelihood approach
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Decoherence and relaxation of a single electron in a one-dimensional conductor
A. Marguerite, C. Cabart, C. Wahl, B. Roussel, V. Freulon, D. Ferraro, Ch. Grenier, J-M. Berroir, B. Plaçais, T. Jonckheere, J. Rech, T. Martin, P. Degiovanni, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, G. Fève
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A 520-620-GHz Schottky Receiver Front-End for Planetary Science and Remote Sensing With 1070 K-1500 K DSB Noise Temperature at Room Temperature
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First Measurement of the Intrinsic Noise of a HEMT at Sub-Kelvin Temperatures
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An HEMT-Based Cryogenic Charge Amplifier for Sub-kelvin Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
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Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment for temporal investigation of single-electron fractionalization
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CESAR: Cryogenic Electronics for Space Applications
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Quantum tomography of an electron
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Ultra-low noise HEMTs for high-impedance and low-frequency preamplifiers: realization and characterization from 4.2 K to 77 K
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Ultra-low noise high electron mobility transistors for high-impedance and low-frequency deep cryogenic readout electronics
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Ionization Readout of CDMS Detectors with Low Power, Low Noise HEMTs
A. Phipps, Y. Jin, B. Sadoulet
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Quantum limit of heat flow across a single electronic channel
S. Jezouin, F. Parmentier, A. Anthore, U. Gennser, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, F. Pierre
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Minimal-excitation states for electron quantum optics using levitons
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Coherence and Indistinguishability of Single Electrons Emitted by Independent Sources
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Separation of neutral and charge modes in one-dimensional chiral edge channels
E. Bocquillon, V. Freulon, J.-M. Berroir, P. Degiovanni, B. Placais, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, G. Feve
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The Role of the Gate Geometry for Cryogenic HEMTs: Towards an Input Voltage Noise Below 0.5 nV/Hz at 1 kHz and 4.2 K
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Electron Quantum Optics: Partitioning Electrons One by One
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Insight into low frequency noise induced by gate leakage current in AlGaAs/GaAs high electron mobility transistors at 4.2 K
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Evidence of a fully ballistic one-dimensional field-effect transistor: Experiment and simulation
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Bipolaron mechanism of DX center in AlxGa1-xAs:Si
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Schottky diode-based terahertz frequency multipliers and mixers
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Current correlations of an on-demand single-electron emitter
A. Mahe, A. Mahe, D. C. Glattli, F. Parmentier, E. Bocquillon, J.-M. Berroir, C. Glattli, T. Kontos, B. Placais, G. Feve, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin
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A time domain multiplexer for large arrays of high impedance low temperature bolometers
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Development of ultra-low noise HEMTs for cryoelectronics at ≤ 4.2 K
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Observation of the eV=hν shot noise singularity in a quantum point contact
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Realization of a time-controlled subnanosecond single electron source for ballistic qubits
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Subnanosecond Single Electron Source in the Time-Domain
G. Feve, A. Mahe, D. C. Glattli, F. Parmentier, G. Feve, J.-M. Berroir, T. Kontos, A. Cavanna, B. Etienne, Y. Jin, C. Glattli, B. Placais
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Experimental test of the high-frequency quantum shot noise theory in a quantum point contact
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Relaxation time of a chiral R-L circuit
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An On-Demand Coherent Single-Electron Source
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Use of a quantum-point contact high-electron-mobility transistors for time domain multiplexing of large arrays of high impedance low temperature bolometers
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Violation of Kirchhoff's laws for a coherent RC circuit
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